Monday, March 19, 2012

70 Question Test Review

1. Renaissance began in- Italy
2. Interest in Classics- Humanism
3. Who wrote first modern biography- James Boswell
4. Who wrote The Prince- Machiavelli
5. Who created David- Michelangelo
6. Birthplace of Italian Renaissance- Florence
7. Who painted the Mona Lisa- Leonardo Da Vinci
8. Famous family in Florence that ruled- Medici's
9. Ghiberti, Donatello, Michelangelo- 
10. Who painted the Last Supper-
11. Who painted the Sisteen Chapel-
12. Who invented the movable metal type-
13. What is a French name for a castle- Chato
14. Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg are referred to as the -                   countries
15. In Renaissance, they began to paint with-
16. Who wrote Utopia-
17. Romeo and Juliet- Shakespeare
18. A change in the churches way-
19. These were certificates issued by church- indulgences
20. Who believed in justification by faith-
21. Luther nailed these to church door- 95 theses
22. First protestant faith- Lutheranism
23. Founder of Lutheranism- Martin Luther
24. Who was the Swiss reformer-
25. Church run state-
26. Who wrote the Institutes of Christian Religion-
27. Who was the founder of Calvinism- John Calvin
28. What is it called when God determines fate- Predestination
29. These people believed that only adults could be baptized-
30-35- Henry's wives-
36-41- What happened to Henry's wives-
42. Why did Henry 8th get married so many times-
43. Name Henry's children-
44. Who became head of Church during Henry's reign-
45. The inquisition was brought about to restore who's authority-
46. This was a change by the Catholic Church-
47. Who was the founder of the Jesuits-
48. What was the name of the society of Jesus-
49. The main job of the Jesuit's was-
50. The qualities of being merciful, trustworthy, humane, religious, and honest are good according to who- Machiavelli

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