Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Game Desgin

     Game design was a great experience that taught me more than just creating a game on a computer. In this class, I also learned responsibility, because this is the most work I have ever done in a VOTEC class. I worked so hard for my team and did a lot of research. It was hard at first, but, I pushed through and it became easier and easier. I also made some new friends in this class so it had more value than just getting a grade.
     Starting with the responsibility I learned, I did have to keep my word to my team and work hard so we could get our game done. I have never really done that with any other classes. And I feel like since I did that in this class, that I am starting to uncover my job path. I have always wanted to go into computers, and I loved finding out more about coding for games. So I feel like computer programming, which is setting up computers from nothing and making them work, would have a lot of coding in it.
     Now for my team, my teammate did need a lot of help because he is a freshman and I am his superior. But I didn't mind putting in more than I got, because it felt good when we finished. My partner was very helpful when it came to design because that is something I am not good at all. I am not an artist by any means and I never will be one. So he was a huge advantage coming into this game.
     The way our game got easier and easier for me is because I picked up on things very quickly, and I understood it. I just kept going and going until I didn't even have to look up what my partner needed, I just knew. And I have never been able to do that in any other subjects, so I feel like computers are right for me. I have always loved working with computers and I always will.
     Game design wasn't just a class for me, it was a wake up call. It really opened my eyes when it comes to my career path. Computer programming is probably my final decision, and I am really excited. I am ready to move on to the next step on becoming a completer in computers. I will see you in Game Design 2!

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