Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sections 3, 4, and 5

     Section 3: In each town, there was a merchant's guild that had the right to trade there. There were also craft guilds, where skilled workers came together. In guilds, there were apprentices, young boys that served the workers. Next there were journeymen, these boys were paid wages by a master. In time, the guild members, merchants and master workers, formed into the middle class. They were between the classes of nobles and peasents. In the middle ages, there was a disease called Black Death, that swept through Europe. The plague began in Asia and spread along busy travel routes and ports from black rats that carried the disease and it was spread because the rats bit people.
     Section 4: In the middle ages, European culture underwent changes such as language and literature. People with little education spoke vernacular languages, which is everday speech that goes throughout town to town. Speaking of town to town, troubadours were travling singing who wrote poems about love and chivalry. In the middle ages, vernacular literature reached its height in works with two writers, Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer. Scholasticism was the attempt to bring faith together and reason. Peter Abelard, was a very important philosopher of scholaticism. But the greatest midievil philosopher was Thomas Aquinas.

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