Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lindsey: The flag in Bosnia is yellow and blue.
The language spoken is serbian.
Bosnia has a rich literary system from the middle ages.
Bosnian children's literature are mainly simple works about religon or life lessons.
Bosnia has Romadon and Easter as holidays.

Shania: The launguage spoken is spanish in Peru.
A famous author in Peru is Daniel Alkine.
The children play soccer and football.
The government type is a constintutional republic.
Shefa is a dish in Peru.

Faith: Brazillian's speak potugease.
194,946,470 is the population.
Brazil is the only country to not speak spanish in South America.
Kid's in Brazil like outside sports like tag and soccer.
Brazil has a president.

Mark: Greece's flag is blue and white.
A famous auther from Greece is Socrates.
Homer came from Greece, he wrote the "Illiad" and the "Odysee."
"The tortuis and the hare" came from Greece.
A common meal is baked lamb and baked potatoes.

John: Capital city of Spain is Madrid.
Spanish is the main language of Spain.
Piopepe is a children's book full of nursery ryhmes.
Spain won the world cup of 2010.
The goverment is a constintutional monarchy.

Hannah G.: The population is 10,760,305.
A famous author is Fernando Clusoa.
Children's toys include slatebpards and tambourine's.
The president serves a 5 year term.
The children of Portugal write to Jesus instead of Santa on Christmas.

Hailey: The capital of Switzerland is Bernie.
Albert Stephen was a famous poet and playwriter.
Building blocks shaped like cones are common toys for children.
They have a federal republic.
Most festivals are celebrated with an array of fireworks.

Samantha: The official language is Arabic.
The capital of Moraco is Rabit.
The alphabet has 28 letters instead of our 26.
A children's nursery rhyme is "Draw My Father."
They start teaching French in thrid grade.

Madori: Germany has around 81 million people.
The main launguage is German, but includes Polish and others.
"Child" is a famous book in Germany.
The movie, "The Parent Trap," came from a German Author.
The government is a federal parliament in Germany.

Christa: 286,705 is the population of Barbados.
Literature focusus on religon there.
"This Little Tea Pot," is a nursery rhyme.
Children play with the sand on the beaches.
They have a prime minister in Barbados.

Kristen: Japans flag is white with a red circle in the middle.
The launguage spoken is Japanese.
Matt Suobosho is a famous auther in Japan.
Toys include kites and como.
They have a constintutioanal democracy.

Kelsey: The capital of Fiji is Suva.
The people normally speak English.
"Faces in the Village" is a famous story in Fiji.
Customs in Fiji include not wearing hats in a village and leave your shoes outside of a house.
You have to pay a lot of money to attend schools in Fiji.

Raychel: Famous authors are Bwenovari Wentikio, and Parde Grouse.
Books include Avul Youlee, Cinderelle, and "Uno, Dous, Treas, and Quotro."
Italy is a republic with a prime minister.
Italians make homemade bread normally.
School is required from the ages of 5-16.

Karlie: Egypt's population is 81,121,077 people.
The capital of Egypt is Cyro.
Omar Tahair is a journalist in Egypt.
Entertainment includes board games and tops.
The government type is a republic.

Paige: The capital city of Argentina is Buenos Ares.
The government is a republic.
Lunch is the biggest meal of the day there.
Grilled meat is a popular meal in Argentina.
Labor day is May 1st.

Katara: Victor Hugo wrote the "Hunchback of Notre Dame."
They play basketball in France.
They have a library for toys.
Cheese and wine are a large part of their couzine.
They have four parts of schooling in their system.

Gunnar: Unitary Parliamentary Democracy is their government.
Their education is free up to 17.
They have one of the highest literacy rates in the world.
The capital of Thailand is Bangkok.
They drive on the left side of the road.

Dale: The pop. of Panama is around 3.5 million people.
"Panama" is a children's book in Panama.
Panama City is a tourist attraction in Panama.
The capital is Panama City.
They play with marbles.

Courtney: Scotland children play with marbles and toy cars.
Their education ends around the age of 16.
Scotland celebrates the same holidays as us.
The most popular nursery rhyme is "Count the Stars."
The capital is Edinburgh.

Josh: The most common language is English in the UK.
A popular sport in UK is cricket.
The Queen's name is Elizabeth the 2nd.
Fish and Chips are a popular food.
A popular tourist attraction is Big Ben.

Viola: 4.481 million people live in Ireland.
Ogham was a literature system they used.
The government type is a republic and parliamentary democracy.
Most food is made of vegetables and meat.
April 1st is April Fools Day in Ireland.

Gabby: Bolivia's capital is Lapez.
Giovanna Revere was a famous author in Bolivia.
"Humpty Dumpty" is a nursery rhyme in Bolivia.
New Years is January 1st in Bolivia.
Education is divided between rural and urban areas.

Abby: Madagascar's population is around 24 million people.
The main language is Neile and French and English.
Gene Joseph is a famous author from Madagascar.
"Monkey" is a nursery rhyme from Madagascar.
The children play board games there.

Chase: Venezuela speaks Spanish normally.
Traditional toys are marbles and tops.
Federal Republic is the type of government there.
April 19th is Independence Day there.
In 1498 Columbus landed in Spain.

Sara: Sweden's population is around 9 million people.
Peter Paul is a famous author from Sweden.
Constitutional Democracy is one of the two government types in Sweden.
Christmas is a big holiday in Sweden.
Kid's start school at the age of 6 like us.

Kelsey: El Salvador's capital is San Salvador.
There are no famous authors from there.
Kid's books are bilingual.
El Salvador has a republic.
Traditional food is typically made of corn.

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